Link #i know lion is usually the choice for beau #because lionett #but lions are massive power houses built for strength #beau is built for speed and dexterity #so cheetah it is #no one outruns this mf #and maybe a bear would be a lil more fitting for yasha #but wolf #i have to #and hey ive recently seen a video of a single female wolf #just annihilating an elk #on her own #wolves are really fucking strong #critical role #cr beau #cr yasha #wolfyasha #cheetahbeau #khalliys
Link #wander over yonder #crackmccraigen #craig mccracken #woy #even though she likes him #as punishment for him being such a meany #but then she decided #on her own #that maybe giving him one would make him nicer #i'm so proud of her #and she is going to love this show so much #after only 4 episodes she is obsessed #original posts: hilarity (not) guaranteed!
Link #wander over yonder #crackmccraigen #craig mccracken #woy #even though she likes him #as punishment for him being such a meany #but then she decided #on her own #that maybe giving him one would make him nicer #i'm so proud of her #and she is going to love this show so much #after only 4 episodes she is obsessed #original posts: hilarity (not) guaranteed!
Link #wander over yonder #crackmccraigen #craig mccracken #woy #even though she likes him #as punishment for him being such a meany #but then she decided #on her own #that maybe giving him one would make him nicer #i'm so proud of her #and she is going to love this show so much #after only 4 episodes she is obsessed #original posts: hilarity (not) guaranteed!
Link #wander over yonder #crackmccraigen #craig mccracken #woy #even though she likes him #as punishment for him being such a meany #but then she decided #on her own #that maybe giving him one would make him nicer #i'm so proud of her #and she is going to love this show so much #after only 4 episodes she is obsessed #original posts: hilarity (not) guaranteed!
Link #wander over yonder #crackmccraigen #craig mccracken #woy #even though she likes him #as punishment for him being such a meany #but then she decided #on her own #that maybe giving him one would make him nicer #i'm so proud of her #and she is going to love this show so much #after only 4 episodes she is obsessed #original posts: hilarity (not) guaranteed!