#it a weh #pisces #whilshire #krikor #moon king #cassarole #loml loml #en forma #lamskier #图像
Link #oh wait #i get it #lol
Link #*seeps liquid darkness as sweat* #... *falls to his knees* i am sham #i'm a huge edgelord #my persona is a skeleton ffs! #i'm just a pile of bones! ; o ; #oh wait #i can't cry #i'm just a skeleton! #johohohohoho~
Link #why do i always return to tumblr to this nonsense #oh wait
Link #oughh these r all so good #friend art #ceren #jo #val #raz #ty #vegas #um is that everyone.? #oh wait #maddie #salem #i rhink #insp
Link #hahah what loser sent this in #oh wait #as if theres seven notes before i even got to it #bethany look #corporate kane #kane #same #wwe
Link #the thick of it #rule britannia #oh wait #not anymore #2016 feels like a corrupted save file so far #ttoi gifs
Link #oh wait #that probably exists