Link #james rhodes #lokirhodey #revengers #i love fics with the revengers #with tony and other random people following #talking about rarepairs #but im not good at characterization #or at character study #still i have no idea #anyway is still easier that lokitonysteve #like tony and steve is the most popular ship #and ive zero interest in it #i adore steve #i love tony #but then at their ship meh #indifference #probably if i start reading it will caught my interest
Link #james rhodes #lokirhodey #revengers #i love fics with the revengers #with tony and other random people following #talking about rarepairs #but im not good at characterization #or at character study #still i have no idea #anyway is still easier that lokitonysteve #like tony and steve is the most popular ship #and ive zero interest in it #i adore steve #i love tony #but then at their ship meh #indifference #probably if i start reading it will caught my interest