Tumblr blogs about ( washed )
The tide has washed the nice from me
Socialist, pro-choice, anti-gun, intersectional feminist. WOW/SWTOR. Captain Narava of both worlds. Goblin. My hobbies include: Crying while watching hockey, crying while watching Critical Role, and crying while watching Glee clips on YouTube. Also knitting. Over 40 and cool with it. Perniciously Aneimic, hella anxious, depressed widow, biromantic demisexual . Slytherin. OTP: Narava/Corso, Alt OTP: Avarane/Corso, Completely different fandom otp: Perc'ahlia. Pens/Stanley Cup. She/her. Unless you’re Taliesin Jaffe or Brie Larson, I’m not interested.
Washed Up On The Shores Of Time
Phil, very late twenties, game programmer, south central LA. Not the city. Cis male, he/him/. You'll find a lot of Life Is Strange, Undertale, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Persona, Destiny, animu, and...